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The following products described below were products that Offcom developed and designed.
The TOS software written in Assembler, "C", and Visual Basic, was the most popular and was used to interface to various host systems such as Prime, Dec, IBM etc.
The hardware products were manufactured by Offcom in Sydney, Australia and Offcom holds the hardware and software copyright for the MT101 and the AIU Gateway cards which are stil in use by Optus in the Satellite Earth Stations at Belrose, Sydney and in Perth.
TOServer Telecommunications Operating System)
This package developed
initially in 1985 had grown from a DOS based purely telex-based system into
Windows Based Program as a Store and Forward Message Switching System, with fax, email,
public/private telegraph lines and Host data networks.
The TOServer package converted a standard PC into a communication server
with simultaneous communications for telex (up to 4 lines),fax and email
and connects these mediums into a multi user environment or as a stand
alone user.
The TOServer software connects both Local Area Networks (LAN) and mainframes
simultaneously into the same communications server.
Offcom provided full Windows based systems and is used both on
Local Area Networks and over Wide Area Networks, spanning even countries
sharing a single telex gateway. The 32 bit Client allows multiple
users (up to 1000) access to all these mediums.
PC-TLX Isolators
This card, designed and
built by Offcom, is an 8 bit ISA card that is used to convert a PC into
a telex machine. |
| Telex Isolators
These isolators designed
and build by Offcom provide connection from computers to either ± 50V
or ± 60V double current or FSK telex networks.
Special versions are available to convert the telex analogue signal into
a digital fibre optic network.
| MT-101 Satellite fax/data modems
Offcom worked in a joint
venture with Optus to design, manufacture and supply
a special modem for the MobileSat network to use fax, data, GPS and
messaging terminals.
This modem, the MT-101, placed Australia at the leading edge of
satellite communications for mobile users. It allows every truck, boat
and outback traveller full access to a mobile phone, fax or computer
communications no matter where they are within Australia.
The satellite covers all parts of Australia and up to 200km out to sea.
AIU Gateway Cards
Offcom also designed and
manufactured the earth station equipment for the terrestrial end of the
data/fax equipment, connecting into the Optus NEC
MobileSat earth station exchange. |